Old Version

New Version

Old Version

Old Version

New Version

New Version

New Version

Old Version


AUKEY is a Chinese electronics manufacturer that specializes in phone chargers, power banks, earbuds, headphones, data hubs, and charging cables.

During my Capstone year abroad, I had the opportunity to intern as a UX Designer in the global digital marketing department. In those 4 months, I was tasked with revamping their website, generating email campaigns, and creating digital assets.


Already a major player in their homeland, AUKEY plans to double down on global growth and expand their markets to the US, UK, and Italy. Our team was assigned to the US market and was in charge of executing localized marketing campaigns and digital assets to improve the customer experience and help build rapport with our audiences.


How might we design an e-commerce website that would cater to Western audiences?


Key Results from the website changes based on Google Analytics

  • Reduced website bounce rate from 44% to 32% after one month of launch

  • Increased conversion in Charging Cables page from 21% to 30%

Working with a Chinese-based team as a member of a small UX team within the marketing department while navigating through cultural differences and language was definitely an eye opening experience. For example, as seen in the super apps phenomena, Chinese people are used to information density, so they were reluctant to transition into more minimal looking designs. Meetings were also conducted in Chinese and we would often communicate with the marketing team to attain market insights and discuss brand direction.

In addition to revamping the websites, I also had the honor of directing the photo shoot for the Halloween promotion! These would be the digital assets used for social media posts, email campaigns, website banner, etc. From storyboarding, to communicating the ideas to the photographer in Chinese, I am thankful for the opportunity to take the lead with every step of the creative process.

Low Fidelity Wireframes


  • Products seem scattered, lack visual flow

  • “Top Selling Products” and “Hot Selling Items” seem redundant


  • Removed “Rankings”, “Essentials”, and “Hot Items” categories to reduce visual clutter

  • Organized products into categories with visual appeal


  • Product names look too similar, hard to differentiate product

  • Repetitive listings (Ex: different length cables, bundles, color)

  • Product listing has no call to action, ratings, or price


  • Combined repetitive listings

  • Renamed product model names with similar variations into cable type

  • Added color options, price, and user ratings


  • Product listing has no user reviews

  • No product recommendations


  • Add user reviews

  • Add color and cord length selection drop down menu

  • Added recommended products and bundles

  • Included warranty information


  • “Latest”, “Trending”, and “News” are redundant

  • “Learn” and “Blog” are redundant

  • Verbose article preview descriptions

  • Repetitive icons and socials


  • Combined learning resources

  • Reduced redundancy by only showing the latest articles

  • Reduced giant texts into 2 lines